Sunday is almost over & NO one is feeling well. Lele is the only one, at this point! The Karo Syrup did it's job this wkend! Friday nite w/the Anaconda poop in the toilet - haha! - & her second BIG dump today! I know, TMI. But hey! It's a HUGE deal in our house! This poor girl has not had a BM in wks! Whoohoo. So happy for our little mama.
Let's see...Friday, Graciella didn't go to school bcuz she was recovering. She did go to her 2 bday parties later that day though! Antonia had a rollerskating party that nite! I did accompany her to that one & I DID get my skate ON! Yeah--- I did. AND not only did I NOT fall but I managed to help Antonia & pull her up from falling one Mealeean times! (that's how Leleanna says it!) Okay, just for any mom's reading this:
PLEASE do write down the number, address, attach a little map for the bday location on the invites. THIS was totally ridiculous! It was crazy! Even using MapQuest & the internet, NADA. The website said NOT to use these bcuz it will give you the WRONG location! Ya think?! OMG. No words....
{can you here the crickets?}
Lord, yes I did say some choice words driving around, making U-turns, on cell w/husband, heading this way & the other...but did you see the dust ALL settle when I knew my daughter was a happy camper, w/her friends at the bday party? They all cheered her name as she walked in! How great did that make her feel? Then, it was back home to check out Lele, eat & back to the store for Antonia's gift. Graciella was going straight to her next party w/a mom & some other girls. Yay. Got home, wrapped gift, got ready & we were off for a nite of LOUD music, bruises, cake, pizza & soccer friends. Antonia had a blast too. This was a first for her! For me, I won't leak the year I last rollerskated. heehee We got outta there about 1045pm, & headed to Graciella's party. It was a sleepover but she had soccer the next am. Surprise. Suprise.
Saturday am, we all (incld Gramma) headed up to Scottsdale for two games. First one, girls lost & second, they won! Graciella did a great job as forward, if I may add. We stayed up there between games for lunch & headed home afterwards. Daddy made a storage trip & came back w/Xmas decorations. Carlos & I put up the tree, I washed G's uniform & I put up as many Xmas decs around the house as I could... 3am rolled around & Antonia is getting sick. Wonderful. She sleeps on the top bunk & wanted to stay in her bed. That girl is such a trooper when she gets sick. She stayed up in her bed w/a big bowl lined w/a plastic bag. At this point, me & Graciella felt as though WE were going to be sick. Again. I was tempted to take some Zofran but I held off. Why is all this happening in ONE wk? Maybe to get it ALL overwith asap. ?? Carlos took care of her, as I slept on & off. Didn't quite work. I felt horrible when I did wake & had to get ready for Graciella's tournament game this am. When we left Lele felt fine, daddy felt sick & Antonia was feeling a tiny bit better.
G's game went great! She volunteered to play on defense when her coach asked & NO one stepped up. One regular d-player was not coming. But she did an awesome job! Her tummy was hurting too but you could never tell. She saved 2 goals from crossing the line, these were TOO close. She was backing up the goalie. Thank God these two talked beforehand! But all in all, she helped save more. Those 2 stood out! All the girls did great & worked well together! Fantastic dynamic w/the new additions to our team! Did I mention our Goalie?! Whoohoo Amree! Awesome-Ness! =) Even with the lite rain at the end of the game couldn't take away from these girls shining! Us parents were so proud!
I am so-- exhausted. Daddy still feels horrible. Graciella's tummy hurts. Lele has an Xray first thing in the am to see if this wkend made a difference. I know it did! Antonia is scrapbooking next to me & will be going to school manana. Yay. I'm hoping Graciella is feeling better though. And I'll just have me some more toast.
Have a good nite all. Sweet Blessings-