Showing posts with label Coupon $ense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coupon $ense. Show all posts

June 27, 2009

Saved Moola!!

Does anyone do Coupon $ense?! I did yesterday & today! =)

Spent $ 66.93
SAVED $ 56.38 (1st trip)

Spent $ 106.87
SAVED $ 114.38 (2nd trip)

Spent $ 80.84
SAVED $ 107.07

Whoo hoo!! Here's the link: Coupon $ense if you want to check it out & sign up!

I just finished making room to put everything away! Kids are happy too! Lots of choices now. That's the one good thing about using this. That bcuz of the coupons, you buy stuff different from the 'everyday usual' stuff. =)

My next trip, my goal is to SAVE 75% plus!! You have to really STICK to your shopping list! PLUS get the best deals!!

October 16, 2008

No worries!

Yeah! Had to have more xrays last week but in the end... all is great! I can breathe normal again finally. I AM sore though. Me & the familia went on a 5 mile bike ride 2 days in a row! First day was just around the neighborhood - it was beautiful out!! The very next day (since Antonia did AWESOME riding on her own, no wobbling or falls!) we ventured out. We drove to the girls' school to clean out Graciella's desk & fill out a 'withdrawal' form! Whoo-hoo! Then Carlos had the idea to ride up to Rubios & eat lunch! We could of rode 15 miles & the girls would still say YES! But we ate outside in the shade - gorgeous day again! Rode home & all was good.

Carlos started cleaning out the garage & we put our Halloween stuff up (this task alone takes a few days!) I just can't believe this month is half over & Xmas is THAT much closer! I am happy to start Coupon $ense again!! I get excited watching the total drop & drop after handing over a stack of coupons! Anyone who hasn't tried it? You're missing out on the savings! You just need a little extra time to go through the newspapers, collect all the coupon booklets, label some folders & stick them in... Voila'. You're done until it's time to get a list together to go shopping. I just print out my stores' lists & highlight the stuff I'm going to buy, cut the coupons & I'm outta here!! I NEED to do this very thing tonite!!

Anyone see Eagle Eye? I could see it again! Carlos is taking Graciella manana. Keep that on the DL people! I saw it w/Jeannie & we went to eat lunch the day before! I know! Actual MOMMY-TIME! The food was yummy & here are our desserts:

Caramel Creme Brulee' (mine)

Tiramisu (Jeannie's)

Mine was YUMMY! These cups look a normal size but they are the size of a little girls' tea party set!

Graciella had a soccer game last Saturday & they won! She had a goal & an assist! (We're not keeping track though! ha!)

We started our classes for Antonia's prep for her First Reconciliation next month. Also, I will be doing her RE & Graciella's RE class at home! This works for us! No more driving back & forth! No time w/Graciella getting out of her NEW school at 4pm & RE starting at 4pm! Whoo-hoo! I'm excited! This Sat. we're planning to have a party for Antonia, celebrating her Baptism (2004). She'll be excited bcuz it'll be ALL about her! I have to get some pix together, as well as her candle & dress!

Lots of things going on for us. Soccer, soccer & more soccer! Oh! At this VERY minute, I can hear the clock ticking away! Literally! It's THAT quiet. Joy has the girls & wanted to feed them dinner, Graciella & Carlos are at her soccer practice... & here I am, blogging away to catch up! Finally! I guess I needed a break from this laptop (plus I didn't feel well)! I was having blogging overload. But I need to get on the fast track bcuz I NEED to play catch up w/the soccer blog BIG time!

I did start the second book in the Twilight series! I want to see if I can read all of 'em before the movie! Fat chance, I know - but a girl can try!

Melina - congrats on the blog! I guess you HAD to be bored at 2am! You should of caught up on some sleep lil one! (that's our oldest fyi!)

Carrie has less than 2 wks to find out what her baby will be! Carlos told her to wait it out! I don't think that's an option for her! She wants to know yesterday! I hope it's a girl Becky! xo

Here's my ME page for Devine Memories. I forgot to post it!

Yeah, I took those pix on my own. I guess I need to do it more often bcuz I don't like having my picture taken at all. I just wish I could take a great photo EVERY time like someone I know... Melina, you get me?! Once again, fyi - SHE is our oldest & a pretty girl! xo

Gramma FINALLY came to terms with moving in. We just have to build the room onto our house & presto! she'll have a good size room to herself! I'm glad it's happening & her lease is up early 2009! Time is flying by too! I think it will all work out & will be done in time. Wish us luck!


Have a good nite all!