My new OLD vintage love... I must explain how this little pretty became mine: I entered a giveaway on
Yellow Songbird. I received a message on
Twitter yesterday about it. I was ECSTATIC!! You see, I won a gift certificate from
Lovies on Etsy. A shop full of vintage items. {
love!} I had my eye on this blue tea pot. I must have this!
Everything after that moment was a blur & broke my heart. I was out & about, had my iPad so I checked out her shop & flipped between the two pages of vintage goodness! I went back to page two....and... my blue tea pot that I fell head over heels with at first sight?... she was gone. That quick. Literally, in a blink of an eye. No joke. No exaggeration. One second there. The very next nano second, gone. I was SO upset! I instantly tweeted a few times, even had a moment of silence. =) I have the best friends on Twitter bcuz the very next moment they were sending me links to Ebay & sending photos of other tea pots. This went on & I never had a clue when they told me, 'they would keep an eye out'. All the time, I'm sending an email to the shop owner. I even convo'd her on etsy too!
Today I talked to Miss
Shealynn of
SheyB a few times & by the afternoon, she told me she was coming over w/something for me. ??? How cool is she?! She was going to drive over, almost in time for rush hour traffic too. Too bad, I had to leave to pick up our oldest from airport! Rushed to airport & her flight was late! ahh! All worked out though, I met Shey back at the house & she waited for us. (love her!) This is when she handed me a box... opened it & YES!! It was the blue tea pot! That sneaky girl! I never would have guessed! So glad to find out they were scheming on Twitter! Thx ladies. As they laughed & clicked away at my expense, I was mourning the loss of my blue tea pot... and Lovies on the other end, was shipping it off.
I know it's just a tea pot. To me, it has a history. It's a pretty blue. It's vintage & I love it! Rust spots & all. It's even more special now though, all bcuz of what a good friend did to make sure it was all mine. Thanks so much Shealynn! xo
I took this pic w/my iPhone yesterday. I cannot really-- use my tea pot but I can look at her ALL I want now IRL =) Yes, that did sound crazy didn't it? Now to just find the perfect spot for it!