May 7, 2013

7 Years

Yes I have to say it again, time flies! Seven years ago today, my older sister passed away. It happened suddenly, out of the blue. I miss her still every day. Things happen and I still think to call her right away. Other days, I wish she was still here because I need to see her or just need a big hard hug. The biggest thing would be for her to still go to the girls' games. She did attend when Graciella was little & we would scream, hoop & holler to cheer her on. That I miss. I miss being sarcastic & laughing out loud w/her. I miss listening to her love of all time, Marc Anthony as we rolled w/the windows down & our hair looking crazy. It'll happen to me too, I'll be somewhere & her song will come on. It's like she knows I need her that moment and she makes it happen. This is true. Totally. Do you believe? I do. It happens w/my dad too. He'll do things. Make things happen. I know and feel them looking out for our family. I may sound crazy but we do believe. I saw it. My girls have seen. My husband has heard.

She was loved by many and taken too early. That part of it all, I simply will never understand. Her name was Gladys (same as my mom) but I called her Gladita forever. (you need to say w/a puerto rican accent! lol or simply gly-ta. I said this since I was little and it stuck forever.)

{Me at 1.5 and Gladita}
Always and forever.

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