January 12, 2011

What's in a post

I'm just wondering why some blogs blow up from the beginning, while others like me... crawl at a snail's pace. I'm not blogging to make a bunch of moola. (if persuaded.... I may change course!) Seriously though, I write bcuz I wanna write. Not to impress the girl next door, but for me & my friends or anyone who cares to read from time to time. I love blog surfing, scrapbook.com surfing, crafty blogs & leaving the comment love all over! It's all about SEO & key words. What about a good ol' blog about family, crafty stuff, etc. I know I don't live the life of traveling for my hobby of sewing & scrapping day to day... or writing up reviews on all the books I've read. How does one acquire that job anyway? It's all about hoping to win a blog giveaway, our soccer academy, HW, girls & school, RE class (this needs major time asap!), re-decorating our house (one day I hope to do this!), de-clutter all, taking care of my mom, keeping our family fed, clean, free from sickness, ironing. oh yeah! Add Twitter & FB to the mix. I think I got off track a sentence or two ago! Oops.

I visit these other 'popular' blogs & some not so 'huge' and I just wonder what's all the hype. I know I'm due for a blog makeover... but still now I think it's cute. Don't you? I need some different colors & new pix. Enough with all that though. When you write a post, do you figure in all the keywords that Google will look for? I sure don't. Maybe that explains it. Hmm.

What's your take? Be nice though please. Need to get back to my busy day... enjoy yours!

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