I am SO excited! (I signed up in August just to hold the name!) I have been super busy w/girls' school, soccer & everything else that I MUST stay up into the wee hours to do what I love! I have so many ideas, patterns & a must-sew-list a mile --------- long! I'm supposed to be volunteering at the moment in Antonia's class but needed to get my shop UP & running! I never knew all the info needed to do SEW! =)
The link to my shop is on the side bar & if you click on CalleLillyCafe at the bottom, Check it out & please leave me a comment on the look, photos & such. Please?! Thx so much! Lotsa work goes into each apron. I wish I had a magic wand to wave it once & sew all the hems perfect every time! It takes many trips, back and forth to the ironing board then back to sewing machine. Measure. Press. Sew. But that's me! I want it crisp & looking nice! Not using some fusible web deal & be done w/it! You pay for what you get! So true.
If you'd like to pass my link on or have your friends pay my blog a visit & become a follower/friend? Feel free! I would love to have new followers for feedback & perhaps a giveaway? I promise I won't make everyone comment 15 times! haha (maybe 5 the most?!)
Here's the shop! Consider it a 'soft' launch, if you will. =)
I need to hurry off to school!
Thx so much!
Congrats on the shop! How exciting!
Julie! These aprons are GORGEOUS!! I'm so excited for you!
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