January 1, 2015

Fresh Start

What do ya say?! I'm liking this idea! Happy fresh start everyone! Clean slate. Boom! So many things on my list to want to do, do for my mommy-self, for my girls, for my family & home... The list goes on! I shall tackle one month at a time. That's all I can handle. I can only pray to NOT get overwhelmed with all the life happenings each day. And remember to take time each day & do that one thing that will help ALL in my opinion: pray. No worries though, I won't push this on you, it'll be happening each day though in the background while the girls are baking, singing loud in the car, arguing & laughing away too, with me driving non-stop each day and while getting things done on my mom-to-do list. 

Welcome New Year! 
Please don't pass us by too quickly this time around. 

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