December 28, 2013

My OLW for 2014

Yes I see the days flying by. Yes I do mean to click on new post & write away. With this, means uploading a bunch of photos. Yes I want/need to & want to share. For the past few weeks, so much was happening with my girls. Sickness, trips to the ER and just trying to keep my head above water. Well, not literally but some days that's how I felt. 

I want to start this new year with changes in our home, every day happenings, the way we talk... I want to enjoy the little moments, soak it all in. I try and think I do but I know our days are chaotic and schedules are filled to the brim. We all have lots to do and we need to remember we are blessed each day we wake and open our eyes. In 2013 my OLW was Breathe. I think that got away from me. 

This new year in 2014, my OLW is: 


Each time someone asks "how are you?" I always come back and say crazy! I feel my life never stops and is just that, crazy. I need to remind myself that because each day is crazy or some days my girls may drive me crazy... This simply means that I am truly Blessed. So if you see me running by and you scream to me those three little words? I will most definitely reply Blessed. Mark my words. 



Jossie Posie said...

Blessed it's a beautiful word! My life always seems crazy too but just think how lucky we are to have all this family around us and be so needed. So many lonely people in this world. So glad we found eachother on IG!


CalleLillyCafe said...

Me too Jossie!! Happy 2014 my friend! xo