March 26, 2013

Happy Fifteen

Happy day to my beautiful girl! Yes time flies entirely too fast! Happy fifteen to you Graciella! We love you more than ever. You drive us nuts but I still wouldn't trade you for anything! Keep striving for the best & keep reaching for the stars. You have become an amazing soccer player and I could watch you play for 8 straight days. Oh wait... I think that might have happened already! You're a beautiful girl mama and never change who you are. Always be true to your heart and keep it happy always. Yes you're a goofball who can make me laugh hysterical and that makes MY heart happy! #ihaveproofofyouactincraycrayandiwilluseitifineedtoo lol We love you mama & I hope you had a great day! xo

I took lots of photos today so I'll share a few to keep it short & sweet!

Today was a good day.

1 comment:

Michelle S said...

Awwww! Happy Birthday 2 ur daughter, mine is 15 in July! Where does the time go eh?!?! Gr8 pics