December 31, 2010

Fiesta Bowl Parade

Every year we take the girls to Phx for this parade. This year though, it was brisk!!!  And our friends came along to brave the chilly temps! (yes for us AZ peeps, it was chiLLee!)

The girls w/the blue candy cane teeth in the middle...are ours!

My girls were excited to Kurt Warner bcuz of DWTS!

There were bands from all over the US & I loved it! Yes, I'm a former highschool band: Danceline, twirler, Flagline girl & a former Drum & Bugle Corps flag girl =) 

Who watched Dukes of Hazzard back in the day? I did =)

Loved this VW oversized wagon! ... I think I may had more fun than all the kids!

December 30, 2010

My Macaroni

I'm liking this one! I took random photos & threw them all together on this layout! I like the ribbon & the beads on the crocheted flower. What do ya think??

Remember this one?

 I added the 'miss u' & now it's complete. =)

I cannot believe it's almost 2011 ??!!
Enjoy & be safe! 

December 28, 2010

Pretty Profile

LOVE my mama's profile. Always have. =)

(for you scrapbkr's... ya think this needs a little flower bunch above photo in circle??) Thx in advance! 

December 25, 2010

December 20, 2010

San Tan Holiday Classic

If you're local & involved w/club soccer, you most likely heard of this tournament. Well, I'm here to tell you that last wkend, our '99 girls' team took FIRST PLACE! Woot! woot! First tournament for them this season. We are a brand new soccer Academy, as well. These hardworking, committed, leave it on the field playing girls put AAYS on the map! You go girls! We are so proud of them! Here's the post that's on our web site:

99 Girls win 1st Place in San Tan Holiday Classic

Our very own Academy ’99 girls team entered their very first tournament this weekend. Friday night, they tied 0-0. Saturday tied 1-1. Sunday morning Semi-Finals: won 2-0 and this afternoon in the Championship round… took First Place after a tie game (0-0) then Penalty Kicks. They took it in the fourth round! Way to go girls!! Our team was made up of six ‘99s, five ‘00s and two ‘01s.

Our first season, first tournament for the ’99 team & some of these girls’ first time playing soccer? I must say, we had big hopes for these girls and through training and commitment from each & every player… they truly deserved it! Awesome teamwork girls! Look forward to entering more tournaments ladies!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Is this the BEST ever!? I was so happy & proud of Antonia. The girls deserved this win & so needed this. Winning this proves to them that they are beyond capable, as a team, to win & take first place! They pulled together, with 2 subs on Saturday, 1 sub on Sunday & pulled it off. They were exhausted as the other teams subbed in 5 girls at a time... our girls had the skills! That's what it comes down to. If they didn't take first, all us parents still would of been proud bcuz we knew they played their hardest. =)

Coach daddy & Antonia

Gramma w/our soccer stud-ette! =)

A BIG thanks to our coaches!

**this is why we LOVE soccer. I love to watch the girls play their hearts out because they want to.**

December 17, 2010

Sweet Snacking


Did you ever hear of this? A mom from school had made this for the jr. high dance & bcuz she was so kind to share recipe, here it is!

Step 1:

You start w/these two things. I chose to buy 2 bags bcuz I thought we'd run out, but this is sah-weet-ness big time! Don't think you can eat too much all at once! We didn't!

Step 2:

Melt the white chocolate in a double broiler.

Step 3:

Have your hubby pour melted chips over popcorn, while you mix & coat popcorn.

Step 4:

Spread out mixture over cookie sheet covered w/wax paper. Wait few hours to dry & serve. Or serve asap & eat warm and gooey!

**Warning: Sup-ah sweet folks!!

Let me know if you make this & if you liked or not! My 9 y/o wasn't too crazy for it but the other two were. It's really sweet though! Enjoy.

My Heart is Full

I absolutely love this. This says it all...  I just found out about 30 mins ago that a long time friend from HS, that her mom passed away today. My heart is breaking for her bcuz I still have my mom, who just recently turned 80. Lately, I've been thinking about how things will be when I lose her forever. She & I are close. She lives a mile away. I drive her everywhere. We talk often throughout the day. I take care of lotsa of different things for her. She is the last living grandparent on both sides. My heart will be forever broken when that awful day comes. I'm afraid to ever face that day. In the meantime though, I did call my mom first to tell her the sad news. She remembers my girlfriend & was heart broken too. Why does this have to happen. It sucks. Period. I hate it. I have told my girls, that Gramma might drive you nuts for now... deal w/it, ignore it, change the subject... anything! Gramma is not going to be around for years & years to come. They understand & have been better around my mom. There is so much on my plate every day & no one, even those close to me, can possibly imagine ALL that is on my mind or to-do list each day. I worry about so many different things & have to remember so many different things, it'll make your head spin!

Back to 'my heart is full'. Between my mom, my girls & husband, boys and family that has passed... my heart is most definitely full. Although if I had another child, it would grow that much more! (that's not a possibility though!) Health, jobs, our home, cars... all that I am thankful for too. Times are tough. I wish it was better for the sake of our kids. =)

Isn't this the perfect necklace for any mom, Gramma or me?? heehee

Lisa Leonard is giving two away! Not sure when it ends, but if you win - I will gladly send you my mailing address. Good luck!

December 10, 2010

Gramma's Wish List

We drove straight to see Gramma at her Xmas party after Graciella's dance. (daddy was at the San Tan Holiday Classic w/the girls) It was happening too at the Senior Center! =) Live music, dancing & friends... and Santa!

Graciella & Gramma hit the dance floor! My mom LOVES to dance! A little fyi. That's where I get it from! =)

Gramma & her good friend, Lucy.

I love this one. Gramma kept introducing Graciella 'this is my beautiful grand-daughter!'

Yes, Gramma is a poser!

Me & Santa (I hope he got my wish list!)

Gramma is also a joke-ster! My guess? She was asking for a rich husband for her 39 y/o self!

And this was a quick trip too! I thought anyway. We had fun. Super happy we made it. Gramma is the last grandparent we have. =( I hope she's still here to see Graciella graduate from HS... that's another 5 years! I think she will.

We love you much ma!

Jr High Masquerade Dance

What a hectic day! Gingerbread houses in the am, jewelry shopping after, home to get ready... I did get to chaperone this one too! My daughter & her friends wanted me to! (yay for me!) The girls looked so grown up & pretty! And the shoes?! Heels. Wow. How could a little girl walk so--- good in heels? Scary. Others, wasn't happening. Most took shoes off to dance & kept them off! I thought it may take a while for the kids to dance?? Nope. Happened from the start. Then... the slow songs came on. 

Step one: Put your hands on my shoulders.
Step two: Put my hands on your hips.
Step three: Step side to side like robots, while keeping the 1.5 ft space between us at all times.

Haha! I had to laugh. It took me right back to middle school. They were all too cute! All the kids danced without having to be told "that's inappropriate!" I was happy! A teacher had told me she taught at another Jr. High & the way the girls danced?? I won't repeat word for word, but they should of had stripper poles in the gym. Not good.

Now, I'll talk about my little girl: Graciella. She looked too pretty! She had the best time, as well as the other girls! Yes! Very first dance & it was a hit!!

Graciella & her bffs

Aren't they all too pretty? Time is flying by! (And my little girl finally grew over Turkey Day wkend!)