January 28, 2013

Vine: Sharing Videos

Have you heard... another social media app!? Are you already a Vine junkie? I love it! You get to share 6 seconds of your life, hobby & daily happenings w/the world. Making this huge world a smaller place. Doesn't Instagram already do this? I love that we can see the voices & people behind all the IG photos. So I joined yesterday... here is my first video! (I'll be sharing detailed photos sooner than later!) And yes, I had to play that song! Love it!

Are you going to join Vine
If so, you can find me at CalleLillyCafe! 
Remember to leave your name so I can follow back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie!
I have been away from blogging for quite some time but now I am back! I just joined the vine! I love it! Thanks for posting! I will look for you!
