July 29, 2010

Can I have a do - over?

Today I woke up feeling blah again. Stomach deal. Got the girls ready & out of the house, but still have the feeling. Yesterday, woke up the same way. All I ate was 10 Saltines for lunch w/butter & the same for dinner about 10pm or so. For those of you who know me, KNOW that 20 crackers ALL day is NOT a good sign. Oh wait! I did have toast & tea for breakfast too... No I'm not pregnant. You would need all your 'woman' stuff to complete that deal. Ha! Had to give all that up a few years back bcuz of too many complications after another. Never did have a bad pregnancy though! All were perfect, no sickness, no complications, all girls healthy too. =) Strange why things happen. Anyway...

I'm still feeling yuk. Anyone know a good fix to get rid of this constant uneasy feeling in my tummy?? Please do not suggest Tums. Yuk. Kids like them, not me. Pepto. No way Jose'. Sprite? Bleh too. I'm feeling hungry right about now, but I don't know what can help...

Have a good day all & I'll try and do the same.


Diana Waite said...

hey friend! have you tried peppermint? Any form works for me....

CalleLillyCafe said...

I've heard that before too! Ya think peppermint patties will work? =)